SCT Solutions

Our Featured Clients

Projects & Clients

SCT Solutions cultivates innovation in businesses and communities in reaching their potential through technology.

Social Media Management

Get more customers by being present on social media pages that speak about your products and services! is a home service spa that aims to provide a complete spa experience in the comfort of your own home.


Experience Serene Sanctuary through different massage services that bring tranquility, relaxation, and relaxation. 

Get your Social Media Accounts Managed

Get unlimited postings and support when you avail of our SMM Plan for 12 months!

Technology Solutions

We provide affordable and reliable security solutions, FDAS, Network Infrastructure, and many technology supplies needed for your business and organization.

STI College

STI College now has campuses all over the Philippines and has diversified into ICT-enhanced programs in Information Technology, Business and Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Maritime, and Senior & Junior High Schools.

CCTV Products & Installation

Our high-quality cameras, recording systems, and motion sensors ensure your property is secure.

Our experienced professionals provide customized security system designs that fit your budget.


The Health Network, a new and better way to talk to your doctor

Network Cabling Infrastructure

Products and Installation service in your office’s computer network infrastructure for better working connectivity and seamless work experience that fits your physical infrastructure design requirements,

Website Development

Our team of skilled designers and developers work closely with
you to create a compelling online presence that engages your
audience and delivers exceptional user experiences

Verena’s Restaurant

Verena’s is your home away from home. Enjoy the succulent comfort food, the calming atmosphere

ENC Group

EnC Construction and Development Corp. builds infrastructures that specialize in residential houses. From minimalist to edgy design, EnC collaborates with you to make your dream house or business property rise & make its mark — We turn houses into homes.

Biyaheng Cebu

We make your travel dreams come true while offering holiday packages for business owners, business tour groups, and single travelers including backpackers from all over the globe.

SadsadTamesis Law

We have a reputation for providing exceptional legal service. Our diversity in terms of skills, qualifications, interests, and backgrounds results in a skilled, enthusiastic, energetic, and innovative team that sets our firm apart from the rest

Harness the Power of
Effective Website

Our team of skilled designers and developers works closely with you to create a compelling online presence that engages your audience and delivers exceptional user experience

Data Solutions

We leverage our expertise, advanced tools, and proven methodologies to deliver scalable and tailored solutions that drive efficiency, accuracy, and value for your organization’s data management needs.

Barangay Lambakin

Barangay Lambakin aims to provide its citizens with a better way to services through faster and more accurate data management that helps bring a better community

Leverage Data-driven Business Opportunities

We leverage our expertise, advanced tools, and proven methodologies to deliver scalable and tailored solutions that drive efficiency, accuracy, and value for your organization’s data management needs.

Need help?

Schedule a free 30-min Tech-Consulting Meeting

Understand your business and your challenges and identify key points to improve your business, or if our services match the best solution for your business needs.

SCT Solutions can help you understand the power of online and digital technology in realizing its significant impact on your business. Whether you are a start-up, scaling up, or a big corporation.

No strings attached.

Download Brochures

Download our brochures to learn about our products and services. They contain detailed information on features, benefits, and pricing. Find out how our offerings can benefit your organization easily from our website. 

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